Public deliverables

Tools4LEAs v2 (Jul'23 to Jun'25)


Project Management Handbook

This deliverable is an update of the equivalent deliverable used in the Tools4LEAs project that started July 2021 and ended June 2023. Some minor edits and updates have been made, but the majority of the deliverable is the same.

More details at: (PDF)


Quality Management Handbook

The aim of this deliverable is to describe the mechanisms that will be used throughout the project to ensure the quality level of the project deliverables and the project outcomes.

More details at: (PDF)


Report on Quality Management activities

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 24 of the project (Jun'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


ELSA Management Handbook

The main objective of this deliverable is to provide reference materials and guidelines to aid ensuring that the project is implemented in compliance with all ethical, privacy, and data protection principles and regulations.

More details at: (PDF)


Report on ELSA Management activities

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 3 of the project (Sep'23). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


IPR Mangement Handbook

The main objective of this deliverable is to provide the Intellectual Property Right (IPR) management handbook for the Tools4LEAs project. This document contextualizes what IPR means in the Tools4LEAs project, which is mainly focus on software IPR acquisition, protection, and management, it presents the IPR management strategy, and it also presents the operational IPR management procedures.

More details at: (PDF)


Report on IPR Management activities

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 24 of the project (Jun'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


M12 report on EUAB activities

This deliverable describes briefly the establishment of the end-user driven Advisory board for the Tools4LEAs project, formed during the Tools4LEAs v1 project and continuing with its role also in the Tools4LEAs v2. The main objective of this document is to describe the activities of this body that relate to their responsibilities and tasks..

More details at: (PDF)


Final report on EUAB activities

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 24 of the project (Jun'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


Communication and Dissemination Management Handbook

Communication is essential to the proper promotion of the project and its results, whilst dissemination activities will focus on ensuring that the project results are made available to the intended targeted audiences. This document will present the plan to effectively and efficiently manage the communication and dissemination activities of the Tools4LEAs v2 project.

It is important to note that this document is based on the Tools4LEAs first iteration project Communication and Dissemination document (2021-2023), updated according on the experience gained and adapted to the specific scope and objectives of the Tools4LEAs-v2 project (2023-2025).

More details at: (PDF)


Report on Communication and Dissemination Management activities

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 24 of the project (Jun'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


Exploitation Management Handbook

The main objective of deliverable D2.3 ��Exploitation Management Handbook�� is to set out in detail the exploitation process that is defined for the Tools4LEAs project. Exploitation process contains workflow of how different technological solutions travel from Tech-providers to selection phase and to end-users at national / regional / international levels.

More details at: (PDF)


Report on Exploitation Management activities

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 24 of the project (Jun'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


Strategy, plan, and handbook for contributions to policy making standardisation, and other knowledge building activities

This deliverable focuses on policy proposals and standardisation, and reports the results of the work done in this matter through the duration of the Tools4LEAv2 project.

More details at: (PDF)


Report on contributions to policy making, standardisation, and other knowledge building activities

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 24 of the project (Jun'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


"Last-mile" development projects portfolio management Handbook

The ��Last-Mile�� development projects within the Tools4LEAs project are managed as a portfolio of projects, therefore a proper and standards-based Project Portfolio Management (PPM) methodology has to be followed. This document provides guidance for portfolio as well as for project management practices, the latter ones to be followed by the tool development projects previously mentioned.

More details at: (PDF)


Tools packaging, release and delivery Handbook

The main objective of the deliverable is to serve as a handbook for EACTDA Secretariat staff as well as for those EACTDA members participating in ��last-mile�� development projects as seconded personnel to EACTDA when working on the packaging, release, and delivery of software products.

More details at: (PDF)


Pre-existing tools/results catalogue management Handbook

Tools4LEAs is an end user driven project, meaning end users, represented in the project by the End Users Advisory Board (EUAB), have a decision-making role through the whole project implementation. They prioritise the Catalogue items according to their needs, they can veto the project proposals and they evaluate the results of the Tools4LEAs new tool development projects, the enhanced tools.

There are two main implementation approaches in the Tools4LEAs project; the top-down and the bottom-up approach. The top-down approach consists of gathering, documenting and editing end user needs. The bottom-up approach is identifying existing technological assets that the end users could potentially benefit from after enhancing them through the Tools4LEAs funding. Results of both approaches are listed in the Catalogue for prioritisation exercises, where the voting results become new tool development projects.

The role of the Catalogue is therefore crucial in the most important steps of the project implementation.

More details at: (PDF)


Design of the NNs overall solution

This task includes all the activities related to the definition of the characteristics of a ��prototypical�� national node (NN) as well as of the design of the coordination and governance mechanisms for the inter-NNs. This task also includes all the activities related to the specific designs of the NNs included in the pilot, including for each NN: the specific objectives and scope, the composition/members, and a detailed work-plan for the preparation and implementation of the pilot.

More details at: (PDF)


Report on the MVP PoC and on the valuation in the non-operational environments of the NNs

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 16 of the project (Oct'24). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


Report on the validation in the operational environments and on the adoption, roll-out, and use of the NNs

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 24 of the project (Jun'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


Report on the Legal, financial, and administrative aspects of the support & maintenance

This document presents how legal, financial, and administrative aspects of the support & maintenance pilot of the Tools4LEAs-v2 project are going to be managed. Besides, this report also presents the work that has been done up until April 2024.

More details at: (PDF)


Evaluation report of the online evaluation platform's implementation

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 15 of the project (Sep'24). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


Online evaluation platform pilot phase report

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 20 of the project (Feb'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.


Online evaluation platform launch and operation report

This deliverable is planned to be delivered in month 24 of the project (Jun'25). If there are no changes or delays, it should be published here soon afterwards.

Tools4LEAs v1 (Jul'21 to Jun'23)


Project Management Handbook

The Tools4LEAs project is a project executed by EACTDA and its members, which have heterogeneous cultural and organizational characteristics, and across multiple different countries. This is a challenge that requires a tailored project management approach. Best practices from different project management models (i.e., PMBOK©, Agile) and lessons learned from previous similar projects (e.g., ASGARD, FREETOOL, GRACE) will be adopted.

More details at: (PDF)


Quality Management Handbook

The aim of this deliverable is to describe the mechanisms that will be used throughout the project to ensure the quality level of the project deliverables and the project outcomes. It will serve as a guide to the project team members, to ensure that quality reviews will occur at appropriate points throughout the project. It will also serve as a reference for all project participants, to understand their responsibilities, regarding the project deliverables and outcomes.
Moreover, this document outlines the success criteria for each deliverable, defines the structure of each deliverable, describes the quality review techniques and it also defines configuration management procedures and change control.

More details at: (PDF)


Ethical, legal, privacy, and social impact management Handbook

This document provides reference materials and guidelines to aid ensuring that the project is implemented in compliance with all ethical, privacy, and data protection principles and regulations.
This document focuses on the guidelines, procedures, and necessary templates support the following activities:

  • Creation and update of a Data Management Plan.
  • Preparation, execution, and reporting of a data protection impact assessment.
  • Preparation, execution, and reporting of a social impact assessment.
  • Preparation, execution, and reporting of an ethics assessment.

More details at: (PDF)


First report on ethical, legal, privacy, and social impact activities

This document reports on the work done in relation to ethical legal, privacy, and social impact aspects during the first 12 months of the Tools4LEAs project.

More details at: (PDF)


Final report on ethical, legal, privacy, and social impact activities

More details at: (PDF)


Project Website and Communication and Dissemination materials

This deliverable outlines the creation, setup and maintenance of the Tools4LEAs' public website and the design and acquisition of other dissemination materials that will be used for communication and dissemination activities along the Tools4LEAs project.

More details at: (PDF)


Communication and Dissemination plan

Communication is essential to the proper promotion of the project and its results, whilst dissemination activities will focus on ensuring that the project results are made available to the intended targeted audiences.
This document will present the plan to effectively and efficiently manage the communication and dissemination activities of the Tools4LEAs project.

More details at: (PDF)


Report on Communication and Dissemination activities

More details at: (PDF)


Stakeholders community building and management strategy and plan

This document focuses on describing which strategy will be followed to build and manage the stakeholders community of the Tools4LEAs project.
The stakeholder management strategy will identify and document which approaches will be taken in order to identify the key stakeholders and to maintain or increase the support of those that favour the project and to decrease the negative impacts of those stakeholders that are against it, all of this in a continuous manner throughout the life of the project. The stakeholder management strategy will identify the key stakeholders along with the level of power and influence they have on the project, and it will establish how to manage each of the different resulting stakeholder groups/categories.
This document also present the management plan that implements the aforementioned strategy.

More details at: (PDF)

EU logoThis project has received funding from the European Union's ISF Police programme under grant agreement No. 101136295.

Disclaimer:   The content of this website reflects EACTDA's view and the European Commission (or its delegated agency) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.